Sujoy Ghosh, who shocked and stunned everyone with the suspense thriller Kahaani, has directed a short film titled Ahalya, taking inspiration from the character as depicted in the holy epic Ramayana.
Dr. Ahalya is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Bengaluru, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine. If any of the displayed information ...
Ahalya Draupadi Kunti Tara Mandodari tatha Panchakanya smaranityam mahapataka nashaka This age-old Sanskrit verse is an ode to five such complex women from the epics. Literally translated ...
来自MSN1 个月
An artistic alchemy
Concurring, Ahalya, founder and CEO of Kanakavalli, says, “I think taking art to different audiences is really important. Art in whatever form — music, dance, painting, or anything — brings ...