PARIS — Chanel has created a new e-logo for its partners authorized to distribute its fragrance and beauty products online.
这不才刚开年呢,Chanel就给我们扔了一颗“时尚炸弹”,来贡献年度包王了 —— 全新推出“Chanel 25 Bag”。 这只包光是名字就自带一种经典又现代的冲突感,给人一种“既是传承,也是颠覆”的感觉。关注圈子的朋友一定对它在秀场的样子过目不忘,真的太少有哪只Chanel可以做到松弛、自由和无拘无束。 而代言人Dua Lipa在广告片中随性奔跑、哼唱的状态更是很好凸显出了包袋的不羁以及用包之人 ...
Dua Lipa, one of the most influential artists of today, has just become the face of the coveted Chanel 25 bag.
wearing a bubblegum pink look topped off with a silver bag. But it was how Chalamet styled his Chanel purse that really stood out. The boy clearly isn’t afraid to indulge in a bit of logo clashing.