The vast ice fields of barren whiteness stretch toward the horizon, creating one of the most isolated environments on the ...
Cute or what? 4) They're faster than a bear Okay, they're not so fast when they run (or waddle), but penguins are brilliant swimmers and are amazingly fast in the water. The Gentoo penguin's ...
Whereas top-level athletes can swim at 8 kph or so, the speed of gentoo penguins--the fastest penguin variety--is known to reach more than 30 kph. The penguins’ secret lies in the motion of ...
A piece from the American Institute of Physics points out that Gentoo penguins are the fastest swimming birds in the world, and that ability comes from their unique and sophisticated wings.
The gentoo penguin is the fastest swimming penguin, reaching 22mph. Emperor penguin chicks have to survive some of the coldest conditions on earth.