New research reveals that sunburn’s acute effects, like inflammation and cell death, are triggered by RNA damage rather than ...
In this review of RNA therapies, we paint an overview of what’s going on in a field that is addressing a number of diseases.
微小的人造马达利用DNA和RNA的结构,通过酶促 RNA 降解产生运动。 简单地说,它们通过偏布朗运动将化学能转化为机械运动。研究人员利用他们对分子马达的理解来改进纳米级人造马达,旨在缩小人造马达和马达蛋白之间的速度差距。 DNA 纳米粒子马达能与马达蛋白一起加速吗? 图片来源:插图:Takanori Harashima ...
Our genes contain all the instructions our body needs to function, but their expression must be finely regulated to guarantee that each cell performs its role optimally.
这个名字看着有点拗口,其实非常好理解。回到我们的中学课本“中心法则”的定义:遗传信息从DNA传递给RNA,再从RNA传递给蛋白质,完成遗传信息的转录和翻译。过往,我们常常提到的RNA,参与的正是这种蛋白质编码的过程。而非编码小RNA,名符其实,是一类 ...
We have all been told to avoid direct sunlight between 12 noon and 3 p.m., seek out shade and put on sunscreen and a hat.
Researchers led by François Fuks - Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, ULB Faculty of Medicine, ULB-Cancer Research Center and ...
你是否也曾对这个问题感到好奇:地球上的生命究竟起源于哪里?在浩瀚的宇宙中,是否有其他星球也孕育着生命?人类对这一谜题的探索历史悠久,随着文明的发展,科学界也逐渐迈出了探求真相的步伐。目前的主流观点大致分为两种:一是地球生命起源于地球本身,二是生命的种 ...
DNA-nanoparticle motors are exactly as they sound: tiny artificial motors that use the structures of DNA and RNA to propel ...
Comparison of a single-stranded RNA and a double-stranded DNA with their corresponding nucleobases. (Image: Wikimedia Commons, CC SA 3.0) The most common type of base pairing is the Watson-Crick base ...
DNA-nanoparticle motors are exactly as they sound: tiny artificial motors that use the structures of DNA and RNA to propel motion by enzymatic RNA degradation. Essentially, chemical energy is ...
北京时间今日凌晨,西湖大学生命科学学院、西湖实验室申恩志团队联合吴建平团队成功揭示了小鼠体内 PIWI 蛋白(MILI 蛋白)与 piRNA 协作切割目标 RNA(核糖核酸)的全过程。相关研究成果已于北京时间 1 月 15 日 24 ...