Earth is our home planet, and it's the only place in the universe where we know for certain that life exists. Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gas and dust squished ...
Earth, our home planet, is a world unlike any other. The third planet from the sun, Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life. With a radius of 3,959 miles, Earth is the ...
Earth is a planet with an abundance of natural beauty. The luscious green forests, the breathtaking waterfalls, the rugged-yet-serene mountains—there's so much to admire and explore on our planet.
but since our planet was formed around 4.6 billion years ago, the length of a day has been gradually growing. A day is the time period of a full rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun.
Sound as we know it does not exist in space. That’s because, on Earth, sound mainly travels to our ears via vibrating air molecules. Because space is a vacuum, meaning there is no matter at all ...
Billions of years ago, the fourth planet from the sun could have been mistaken for Earth’s smaller twin, with liquid water on its surface—and maybe even life. Now, the world is a cold ...
Today, Earth Hour is one of the world’s largest grassroots environmental movements, which takes place every year with the same aim as back in 2007—to unite the world in support of people and the ...