The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo Try picturing ... their options and formulate plans to respond to coastal erosion and sea level rise. Beach nourishment and a series of seven groins have ...
Coastal erosion, large-wave impacts and sea-level ... Projected exposure can be visualized in the Hawai’i Sea Level Rise Viewer. Maui County has begun incorporating this information into our ...
This would cause massive impacts along the world's coastlines. The main impacts of sea level rise are increased coastal erosion and land loss (Fig. 4), increased risk of flooding during extreme ...
Tangier Island residents work to preserve culture threatened by rising sea levels Rising waters due to climate change and erosion are diminishing the landmass of Tangier Island, Virginia, a tiny ...
KAHANA (HawaiiNewsNow) - A Maui condominium board wants to strengthen the foundation of a building being threatened by erosion. However, opponents of the plan say the only real solution is moving ...
MAUI COUNTY, Hawai'i (Island News) -- As officials on Maui try to fight off erosion throughout the island's beaches, they're asking the public to weigh in on a plan to protect one longstanding ...