This test requires less than one minute of hands-on time. InteliSwab has received FDA Emergency Use Authorization for self-testing. You do ... (T line) indicates whether or not you have COVID ...
COVID-19 is alive in new forms and still making people sick. While the pandemic is behind us and infections don’t cause the same level of fear for most of us as they once did, that doesn’t mean we ...
“Similarly to COVID-19, there is this risk of a false negative, where maybe somebody doesn’t swab far enough back in their nose or the test is expired or the ingredients are dried ...
The federal government has allocated $1.15 billion to long-covid research without any new treatments yet brought to market. Patients and scientists say it’s time to push harder for breakthroughs.
BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA technology in their vaccines to protect us from the spread of the disease.
A CHINESE scientist at the centre of the Covid origins debate is still carrying out “risky” research on coronaviruses, ...