The Organic Chemistry lab and lecture courses are the 3000-level, pre-professional organic courses that are required for chemistry majors and pre-medical students as well as disciplines in biology, ...
The authors created this module to be useful for both instructors and students who may be new to systems thinking in chemistry The units in this module can be used in any semester of general or ...
Welcome to the General Chemistry Lecture Demonstration website. Here you will be provided with procedures to create and explain the demostrations available from the General Chemistry Staff. This ...
We have identified that in organic chemistry lectures, there may not be enough time for detailed discussion of mechanistic problems. A single lecturer has no ability to teach a group of students ...
Organic Chemistry (CHEM 25a,b) with laboratory (CHEM 29a,b). Mathematics (MATH 10a,b) Physics (PHYS 10a,b, 11a,b or 15a,b.) Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 121a or 122b) Physical Chemistry (CHEM 141a or ...
organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Lecture classes are complemented by laboratories that give hands-on experience in chemical methods and instrumentation. The department also strongly ...
Sandra taught for eight years at Drew University, a small liberal arts college in NJ. Her responsibilities included teaching General and Organic Chemistry lectures and laboratories, Biochemistry lab, ...