And Barnabas Aid, a group dedicated to helping the persecuted church, just said this the other day: “At least 47 more ...
The Christian must believe that the ethical code laid out in Scripture most certainly is the best, and it is for the good of ...
Comments should be brief (preferably under 100 words), polite, constructive and informed. Comments which are simply attacks ...
In my various pieces on the transhumanist revolution and the seemingly unstoppable march of things like AI, I have said that ...
Important reading on a crucial topic: As I speak of what to read on Israel, I am here only referring to the modern state of… ...
What to make of Matthew 7:12: I was recently asked about the so-called Golden Rule. The person was quite right to ask a question regarding… ...
Today a conservative doing media and the like can post about an upcoming debate with some lefties on things like Facebook, or ...
And on a personal level, if we are not learning from history, we will be continuously repeating its mistakes. So gaining a ...
Both the world and the church are being emasculated and sexually confused: The evidence for the war on sex in general and ...
Just how utterly wrong could the Dems have been? I expect that already a number of experts are penning extensive and well-documented books on just… ...