Showing topics 1 - 19 of 112770, sorted by last post time.
Showing topics 1 - 19 of 112769, sorted by last post time.
George Clinton has filed an $100 million lawsuit against Armen Boladian and Bridgeport Music, alleging that Boladian fraudulently obtained ownership of approximately 90% of his musical catalog.
Short but very nice informative article. Are there any photos of these houses at 2012 Aldrich Avenue and North Arm Drive? It makes it all so human to hear that Prince also had to deal with a basement ...
I've been thinking about a topic for a while now and I'd be interested in your opinion. First of all, I realize that there are legal pitfalls here, as well as ethical ones. Let's leave these aside for ...
I've always had this theory about almost every group or band has that one troubled soul. The one who jets at the height of everything, then ever really has much of a career after. There are exceptions ...
Carlos Santana is preparing to release a new album 'Sentient' on March 28.The album is mostly made up of rare collaborations from the past,including songs with Michael Jackson,Smokey Robinson and ...
Listening to test pressings on vinyl of Parliament's "Tear The Roof Off" album that I think never made it to vinyl. I bought these test pressings from the Netherlands during Covid and damn do they ...
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