Congrats to Elon Muck for pushing to 2nd place in Germany's Election the AfD's far-right / white nationalistic party to it's best-ever showing in a national elect ...
Liberals and their media can’tkeep up with President Trump’s team, they’re so use to Joe Biden’s legislation being reduced to a snails pace the last 4 yea ...
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Trump handed Biden a raging, flaming dumpster fire when they changed jobs. Biden did a great job pumping the sinking ship of water, extinguishing the fire and building ...
Fired government workers can go to school and learn to code, just like Joe Biden told all those keystone pipeline workers he fired on day one in January 2021. Th ...
More left wing lies that President Trump is trying to steal Ukraines minerals. Bottom of the barrel clueless liberals just can’t seem to stop promoting their ow ...
According to the AP, not exactly a right-wing conspiracy website, it seems a new "bat virus" is coming out of you guessed it China. Scientist know very little because o ...
Will the Eagles be invited to the White House to celebrate a Super Bowl win? The video is much better than any Magic 8-Ball.
Why worry about the people who were fired from their government jobs? Biden created an amazing number of good paying jobs. That should take care of everyone. Righ ...
The people that are complaining about what Trump and Musk are doing must be Democrats They are screaming about Musk getting personal Information and he wasn’t “Vo ...
Roller Skating but nothing about about the Pool /pickle ball or their exercise programs? Always Ro ...
Many democrats think we should feel sorry for the laid off government workers. But they sure didn't care about all the laid off coal miners and pipeline workers ...