The U.S. Army DEVCOM Analysis Center serves as the Army’s authoritative source of integrated analytical solutions for the Soldier and Future Force Modernization Enterprise to ensure the Army ...
Through technology transfer, businesses of all sizes have partnered with DOD and VA labs to significantly cut time and resources from their R&D efforts, bringing new products and services to market ...
Army engineers have advanced the capabilities of non-lethal hand grenades. Non-lethal grenades have been employed by prison guards, law enforcement officers, and military personnel to temporarily ...
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory operates as the Navy’s full-spectrum corporate laboratory, conducting a broadly based multidisciplinary program of scientific research and advanced technological ...
Veterans Affairs research and development is focused on improving the lives of veterans and all Americans through health care discovery and innovation focusing on rehabilitation, mental health, ...
The Air Force Research Laboratory is sharing unmanned aerial vehicle ground control software with businesses to further enhance the software’s capabilities. The Department of Defense uses a variety of ...
Dr. Rachel Abrahams of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory’s Munitions Directorate has invented a new alloy for manufacturing bunker-buster munitions. The low alloy steel, known as USAF-96, when ...
The success of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in recent military operations has led to increased interest in their capabilities in a variety of civilian applications in agriculture, package delivery, ...
Air Force Research Laboratory scientists have developed a quick-dissolve powder supplement with electrolytes, vitamins, and protein as a meal replacement that maintains physical and cognitive ...
Alloys comprised of a refined microstructure, ultrafine or nano scaled, that when reacted with water or any liquid containing water will spontaneously and rapidly produce hydrogen at ambient or ...
A team of U.S. Navy scientists working at the Naval Air Warfare Center’s Weapons Division in China Lake, California, has recently developed an efficient launcher for fixed-wing unmanned aircraft ...
UASs, (unmanned aerial systems, or drones), are being quickly adopted for a vast array of applications. Of course, the military is leveraging their capability to extend awareness and keep warfighters ...