Welcome to the Largest Portal of Japanese Culture in the World! I hope you enjoy all the free content we provide for you related to Japanese Culture, Japanese Language, Otaku Culture, Games, Korea, ...
Nossa plataforma já tem mais de 250 aulas publicadas, com novas aulas lançadas semanalmente, você tem acesso a todas atualizações eternamente! Recursos de I.A Nossa plataforma utiliza recursos de ...
Lernen Sie Japanisch vollständig und effektiv mit Suki Desu! Unsere Mitglieder erhalten eine freie Werbeerfahrung mit Video-Kursen und vollständigen Kursen, fortschrittliche Tools und exklusive ...
The Japanese expression dattebayo [だってばよ] is often used by the protagonist Naruto at the end of his sentences. If you usually watch it with subtitles, you will realize that there is no correct ...
หากคุณกำลังเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นหรือวางแผนที่จะไปญี่ปุ่นในเร็วๆ นี้ การรู้วิธีทักทายผู้คนจะเป็นประโยชน์ ในบทความนี้ เราจะ ...
In this article, we are going to share a complete list of Korean names and their meanings. I hope you like the list of Korean names that I have put together to share with you all. The focus of the ...
ในหน้านี้คุณจะได้เรียนรู้วิธีทำอาหารและข้อมูลบางอย่างเกี่ยวกับอาหารญี่ปุ่น ชาเขียวมัทฉะ (ร้อนหรือเย็น) เรียกว่า Matcha latte (hot/ice).
Those who followed the series of Kuroko no Basket saw several ways for athletes to improve their physique through training and nutrition. Lemon with honey serves to replenish energy and contains ...
Selamat datang di Suki Desu! Selamat datang di Portal Budaya Jepang Terbesar di Dunia! Semoga Anda menikmati semua konten gratis yang kami sediakan untuk Anda yang berkaitan dengan Budaya Jepang, ...
ttebayo 는 일본어로 사용되지 않지만 극도의 결의, 추진력, 무식, 무뚝뚝하고 유치한 느낌을 전달합니다. theba [てば]는 또한 누군가에게 성가심과 정서적 친밀감을 전달하거나 마치 나루토가 내내 화가 나고 안절부절 못하는 것처럼 단순히 "어서, 헤이 헤이"일 수 ...