From its Panama "ports," China can easily conduct direct air and sea drone attacks on ships and canal facilities -- even the locks. Water drones can lay anti-vessel mines, in the oceans or in Gatun ...
So far over half a million Russian soldiers have died or been permanently disabled in Ukraine .In many rural towns it is obvious that many men recently died in Ukraine. That’s made it difficult for ...
The designated victim, Masih Alinejad, lived in Brooklyn at the time the IRGC planned to kidnap her and get her to Venezuela, which is currently an ally of Iran and willing to help carry out ...
The Iranian spies were originally from Azerbaijan and were caught using specialized espionage equipment to observe Israeli air bases. The Israeli spies were apparently identifying targets for Iran to ...
Hamas turned pre-planned improvisation into a formidable tactic that caused a lot of Israeli casualties but ultimately failed when the better trained, armed and led IDF showed up, The IDF quickly ...
Many Moslems, including Gulf oil state Arab governments, are openly seeking a way to reform Islam and eliminate this flaw which has been crippling Islam and killing Moslems for over a thousand years.
Key: On this table, figures originally given in various local coinages have all been converted to livres tournais, worth about £4 sterling; s, shilling, of which there were 12 to the pound; d, penny, ...
Iran and China work together to ensure that Chinese ships use the Red Sea route without being attacked. This immunity is obvious and the United States has increased its sanctions to include Chinese ...
During Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, the 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion was the battalion supporting the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) (3ID [M]). During the attack to Baghdad each maneuver battalion, ...