Dolphins live and hunt in large social groups called pods, and they communicate with each other using high-pitched clicks and ...
The Royal Credit Union Sea Lion Discovery Show is happening every day at 11am and 2pm! We love visiting the Minnesota Zoo in ...
Something about the wind in your face and the sea spray as you zoom past sea caves, cliffs, and lighthouses makes the whole ...
Someone cut off the head of a sea lion in Northern California and rode off with it in a bag. Authorities are now offering $20 ...
Loyalty isn’t just a human trait. In the wild and at home, certain animals form unshakable bonds with their partners, ...
High-value habitats can be avoided if identified but it is the less obvious impacts that are so far known to cause the ...
With rugged beauty and consistent waves, Santa Cruz is a surfer’s paradise. Here’s where and when to get your board in the ocean, and how to respect the marine wildlife.
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how the nutrients in whale feces—also known as whale pump —benefit species ...
In a nutshell Migrating baleen whales transport thousands of tons of nutrients from cold, nutrient-rich feeding grounds to ...
While flying with Redline Helicopter Tours, pilot Rob Massi spotted a bottlenosed dolphin in distress in Corpus Christi Bay on Thursday, March 6. The crew landed along the bay to find the dolphin ...