Optiboot (an older version) is installed by default on the Arduino Uno and (as of 2018) official Arduino Nano boards. It can be installed on all older mega8, 168 or 328 based Arduinos. As of 2019, ...
Open the Arduino IDE Open the Tools->Board menu and select either of the Anet V1.0 boards Open the Tools->Port menu and select the appropiate COM port (the one which appeared when you plugged your ...
Arduino UNO: As you know that Arduino is a microcontroller-based open source electronic prototyping board that can be programmed with an easy-to-use Arduino IDE. The UNO is one of the most popular ...
之前我们做了温湿度监测小项目,只是把温湿度数据上传到 OneNET,现在我们来优化这个小项目,让它更完整,更人性。我们在原有的基础上加上蜂鸣器和 LED 灯,当温湿度正常,蜂鸣器不报警,LED 灯不亮;当温湿度超出设定阈值时蜂鸣器报警,LED 灯闪烁。是不 ...