Pharmacogenomics. 2012;13(13):1523-1535. 5-year survival for stage III and IV (%): carriers, 38.1; noncarriers, 24.5 Median survival: p = 0.002 5-year survival for stage III and IV: p < 0.001 [46 ...
The Amsterdam-based company recently received IVDR certification for other tests including one for phenylketonuria.
为解决传统 BRCA1 检测方法的局限,伊朗研究人员开展纳米材料基生物传感器用于乳腺癌诊断的研究。结果显示这类传感器有高灵敏度等优势。推荐科研读者阅读,助力探索乳腺癌诊断新方向。 在全球范围内,乳腺癌就像一个 “健康杀手”,严重威胁着人们的生命健康。2020 年,全球大约有 230 万新的乳腺癌病例,68.5 万人因乳腺癌离世。而且,不同国家的乳腺癌发病率和死亡率差异很大,比如比利时每 10 ...
Dr. Chandler Park discusses the importance of genetic testing and personalized care in patients with genitourinary cancers.
MRC Holland recently announced that five SALSA MLPA assays for the detection of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) ...
A bill that would require private Idaho health insurers to cover supplemental breast cancer screenings for high-risk patients ...
为解决 HRD 状态检测困难及 PARPi 治疗患者精准筛选问题,研究人员开展 HRD 检测相关研究。结果表明现有多种检测方法各有利弊。这为临床选择合适检测手段、精准治疗癌症提供依据,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。
BOISE — A bill that would require private Idaho health insurers to cover supplemental breast cancer screenings for high-risk ...
在医学领域,癌症一直被视为一种复杂而难以捉摸的疾病。其发病机理涉及遗传、环境、生活方式等多种因素,使得癌症的预防和治疗充满了挑战。长久以来,关于癌症是否由基因注定,是否真的会“遗传”给下一代的讨论不绝于耳。本文将深入探讨癌症的遗传性问题,特别是当父母 ...
A bill that would require private Idaho health insurers to cover supplemental breast cancer screenings for high-risk patients has advanced to the House floor.
The researchers found that having ever used oral contraception reduced odds of ovarian cancer by 26% (odds ratio [OR], 0.74; 95% CI, 0.66-0.84). Further, those who stopped using oral contraception at ...
Thousands of single changes in the nucleotides that make up the human genome have been associated with an increased risk of ...