This repository serves as the foundation of my GitHub profile README, highlighting my projects, technical skills, and professional journey. It provides an overview of my contributions to open-source, ...
The Nintendo Switch is going out in a blaze of glory, with some exciting games launching to make way for the console's successor: the now officially announced Switch 2. Whether they’re ...
In an age when people are increasingly choosing digital purchases of video games, an actual, physical collection is becoming a rare and special thing. Rare and special enough that it’s something ...
In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy responds to President Trump’s suggestion that NATO membership is “off the table” for Ukraine and that ...
Berlin: Seen through the eyes of a young boy, Huo's evocative second feature resolves into its own kind of quiet revolution. Amidst this chaotic ensemble, there is a boy — an anchor for this ...