In this video, experience the calming sensation of smooth glass pressing down into a cone-shaped mound of soft, shifting sand ...
P&O Cruises Australia clarified that their staff dressed up as 'snow cones' during a holiday event, however, some passengers ...
A cruise company was forced to apologize after employees dressed up as "upside down snow cones" were mistaken for KKK members ...
Breakdancers have been urged to avoid headspinning after a dancer who developed a cone-shaped lump on his head due to "years of extensive headspinning practice” had to have it surgically removed.
A cone-shaped portion of spacetime containing all (past) locations from which light could arrive at a particular location within spacetime (the tip of the cone). The tip can be reached from points ...
Cruise ship staff clad in pointed white hoods for an Australian costume party were "snow cones" not the Ku Klux Klan, a company spokesperson said Wednesday.