The Dog Bite Murders, directed by Clint Clarkson & Gregory Shoemaker, is a historical drama based on true events from 1910. Set in the Arizona Territory, it follows the gripping tale of two army ...
A code of practice for getting a dog is to be drawn up in Scotland under a new law passed by MSPs. The Welfare of Dogs Bill aims to promote responsible ownership by making sure people understand the ...
Police officers rescued a dog Tuesday morning after it escaped from a backyard and fell into a frigid pond in Somerset County. Montgomery police Officer Salvatore Intili walked out onto the ice ...
Our K-9 friend Luna has been on fire going 9-1 in picking NFL playoff games, but can she continue to beat man and machine in the conference championships?
Peloponnese (pictured) was beaten eight lengths into sixth position in last week's group one Ladbrokes National Futurity final but she is a true "box one bandit" who will relish the drop in class and ...