A new study from the Kowalinski group at EMBL Grenoble characterized the structure of an important trypanosomal protein ...
研究成果以“量化元古宙全球真核生物多样性(Quantifying the global biodiversity of Proterozoic eukaryotes)”为题,于2024年12月20日发表于《科学》(Science) 图 早期地球高精度生物多样性曲线 化石是记录生命演化的最直接证据。在5亿年以前的漫长早期地球阶段,生命,尤其是发育有细胞核的真核生物,是什么时候开始出现的?其第一个化石 ...
Most life on Earth relies on the sun's energy for survival, but what about organisms in the deep sea that live beyond the ...
Foraminifera, though eukaryotic, have adapted to use chemoautotrophy to enable them to survive where oxygen and sunlight are ...
Mono Lake, nestled in California’s Eastern Sierra Nevada, is a haven for unique life forms. Its iconic tufa formations and thriving populations of brine shrimp and alkali flies showcase an ecosystem ...
From the flamboyant blossoms and birds of rainforests to the living rainbows of coral reefs, Earth’s surface is teeming with ...
Researchers have identified ancient proteins that may help explain how the first complex cells evolved from simpler ones over 15 billion years ago I ...
Researchers at Virginia Tech have traced the evolution of life back nearly 2 billion years, revealing slow changes during the ...
Imagine the tree of life. The tip of every branch represents one species, and if you follow any two branches back through ...
A GIANT two-legged dinosaur that dwarfed the T-rex stomped through the Gobi Desert over 65 million years ago. The proof? Its ...