The EU is to set to release a new class of genetically modified crops from strict regulation that dates back over 20 years, ...
Researchers at Duke University and North Carolina State University have discovered a handful of new CRISPR-Cas systems that ...
A new review in Engineering reveals that CRISPR technologies are revolutionizing regenerative medicine. Scientists from ...
Scientists engineered woolly mice to study mammoth traits, raising ethical and ecological concerns about de-extinction.
Extinction is still forever, but scientists at the biotech company Colossal Biosciences are trying what they say is the next best thing to restoring ancient beasts — genetically engineeri ...
AWS’s framework will speed up the analysis of ElevateBio’s large protein datasets, hinting at promising drug candidates.
CRISPR, The New Gold Standard? Understanding The Rise Of Genetic Enigineering In India – Part 1. Legal News and Analysis - ...
Scientists have identified genes that control tomato and eggplant size, paving the way for bigger, tastier, and more ...
A Swiss moratorium on the genetic engineering of plants, which expires at the end of 2025, could be extended for five years.
Colossal Biosciences has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically "engineer them into living animals," said CEO Ben Lamm.
The genetic duplicates, or paralogs, played a crucial role in shaping traits such as flowering time, fruit size, and shape.