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Therefore, in reviewing the neuroprotective mechanisms of action of CARPs we also consider studies using CCPPs fused to a putative neuroprotective peptide. We review the history of CARPs in ...
A catalytic mechanism is the sequence of elementary reactions by which a catalytic reaction proceeds. The behaviour of nanoconfined water can be very different from that of the bulk and is ...
In this Review, we summarise common mechanisms driving acute and long-term side-effects and discuss monitoring strategies for radiotherapy survivors. We explore ways to mitigate toxic effects through ...
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program, University of California ...
"These findings illuminate a critical mechanism that connects local synaptic activity to the broader gene expression changes necessary for learning and memory," said Mark Dell'Acqua, professor of ...
There is evidence that AGEs can also affect the different structures and physiological functions of the skin. However, the mechanism is complicated and cumbersome and causes various harms to the skin.