Cloakwork's murals aren't just limited to Malaysia — his art has made its mark in cities worldwide. A recent highlight was ...
Offensive graffiti is being removed with high priority by our graffiti removal services crew who endeavor to remove reported offensive graffiti within 4 hours of being reported. Other graffiti is ...
"I hope the vendors come up hard off of this," says graffiti icon 10Foot ahead of release of one-of-a-kind Big Issue edition.
The magazine, which will be taken over by graffiti artist 10Foot, will also feature an Irish language poem from rappers ...
Continua la collaborazione tra il liceo linguistico Cattaneo Dall'Aglio e Redacon tramite la rubrica Speakeasy, curata ...
Hate graffiti containing racist messages was found at Rogers Middle School in Affton, and is believed to be linked to a ...
With the stealth of an alley cat, the artist behind the message left their work for thousands to see and nary a clue to his ...
Three known gang members and a 14-year-old juvenile were arrested Tuesday in connection with graffiti at multiple areas in ...
According to the St. Louis County Police Department, officers were called to Rogers Middle School a little after 5 a.m. due ...