EUV lithography tools consume such vast amounts of power because they rely on high-energy laser pulses to evaporate tiny tin droplets (at 500,000ºC) to form a plasma that emits 13.5-nanometer light.
One of the most complex parts of this process is lithography: the step in which shapes are drawn onto a silicon wafer. There are several ways to do this, all of them rather complicated ...
Now Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory has announced it will lead a four-year, $12 million research partnership charged with laying the groundwork for the next evolution of EUV lithography. their ...
Demonstrated for projection multi-photon lithography, it achieves sub-100 nm accuracy in 3D-printed structures with minimal experimentation. Using a new femtosecond laser writing technique ...
The best laser printer is often the top choice for office and home office use. Excelling at document printing, laser printers have a reputation for producing crisp text, fast print speeds ...
LLNL said that it delivered "over 25 times the highest pulse energies reported by any laser architecture operating near 2-micron wavelength in the world." In lithography applications this capability ...
The lab claims that EUV lithography involves high-power lasers firing at tens of thousands of droplets of tin per second. The laser heats the droplets, each measuring about 30 millionths of a ...
If shaving is growing tiresome, consider laser hair removal: This method damages hair follicles to reduce growth over time, ultimately giving more long-term results than using a razor. After ...
The best color laser printers are a great investment that can save you time and money compared to cartridge-based inkjet printers. Laser printers use toner, which lasts a long time, delivering a ...