Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Thursday said police may be "lacking somewhere" if they are unable to rein in crime in Pune despite being given all infrastructural support and ...
LAHORE: Punjab Assembly Speaker Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan says there is no concept of politics without a dialogue. “Our politics is based on the importance of dialogue and conversation in which ...
As a subscriber, you can gift 3 to 5 articles each month that anyone can read—no subscription needed ... but that the two did not touch upon politics. “I have not met [the Sultan] for a ...
Here are four from the past twelve months. First. There is no longer a central authority in America. The powerful media corporations did everything possible to destroy Donald Trump. They came at ...
Siddaramaiah told reporters that there was no politics behind hosting dinner with ministers at the residence of PWD minister Satish Jarkiholi. “Media persons are unnecessarily giving political ...