Whales do more than just swim the seas—they power the ocean's ecosystem. By transporting nutrients from deep waters to the ...
In a nutshell Migrating baleen whales transport thousands of tons of nutrients from cold, nutrient-rich feeding grounds to ...
Marine protected areas (MPAs) and other conservation measures are increasingly being used by governments to protect fish ...
Bacteria and other single-celled microorganisms in the seas around Antarctica are strongly influenced by water temperature ...
My work as a marine social scientist focuses on ocean literacy. For me, knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to incite the action needed to save ocean health.
RECENT discoveries have identified 866 new marine species, including sharks, lobsters, corals, and deep-sea sponges, as part ...
Among the myriad creatures that populate our ocean, some stand out as having an outsized impact on the marine environment—shaping and maintaining habitats that themselves sustain countless other forms ...
Right now, there is a disconnect between young peoples’ recognition of the ocean’s vital role in climate change, and the measures required to protect and restore it. My work as a marine social ...
“Beyond urine, whale carcasses also serve as nutrient deposits. When a whale dies, its massive body sinks to the ocean floor, ...
Right now, there is a disconnect between young peoples' recognition of the ocean's vital role in climate change, and the measures required to protect and restore it. My work as a marine social ...