And there is still no headstone at her grave. At first, ordering a monument wasn’t a priority, her husband, Phil Laskowski, said. But then the years passed quickly. At first, he was focusing on ...
I hope the relative who damaged her headstone apologized for it and volunteered to pay for the services of the professional cleaner. If not, you should suggest it. And while you are at it ...
Nakuru and Kisumu, Kenya – Ogoyi Ogunde belonged to a proud family. His father had carved a home for their clan out of the ...
I hope the relative who damaged her headstone apologized for it and volunteered to pay for the services of the professional cleaner. If not, you should suggest it. And while you are at it ...
San Pedro Park marker honors first president of Union women’s group; readers asked to help track down a plaque dedicated to ...
Boolboonda Cemetery was established in response to growth in the area following the discovery of copper at Mount Perry in the ...