Manually producing the TLF involves an interplay of biostatisticians, terminology coders, statistical programmers, and ...
An ambitious start-up embodies new optimism that artificial intelligence can turbocharge scientific discovery.
Publishing the first research paper is a significant milestone in any student's academic journey. It not only contributes to ...
Copywriting is a great way to become a digital nomad. I know because that's what I did! Read on to find out how to ...
When she died, the doctor conducted an autopsy, finding in her brain two suspicious proteins: sticky plaques between her ...
Clodagh Caulfield, author of the recently published This Time, on choosing to self-publish through Kindle Direct Publishing . . .
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
The universal language of science allows nations to reach a mutual understanding of shared problems. But that requires ...
New research by NBER affiliates, circulated prior to peer review for discussion and comment. NBER Working Papers may not offer policy recommendations or normative judgments about policies, but may ...
Teen girls and boys in the U.S. face different pressures and have different experiences at school. At the same time, majorities of teens say it’s important to them that as adults they have a job or ...
How do we provide energy to poor, rural communities in a sustainable way? What would incentivize policymakers in developing ...