This spring, the stage of Italian football has once again witnessed thrilling drama. In the recent 29th round of Serie A, AC Milan turned the game around to defeat Como 2-1 amidst the cheers at San Si ...
In response to questions about the future, Pulisic did not shy away from expressing his unwavering belief that Milan is his career destination. "I am 100% sure. I feel the full trust and support of ...
北京时间3月16日,在意甲第29轮AC米兰主场2-1逆转战胜科莫之后,孔塞桑接受了Milan TV的采访。 关于又一次逆转 ...
北京时间3月16日,在意甲第29轮AC米兰主场2-1逆转战胜科莫之后,此战打进扳平比分关键进球的普利希奇接受了Milan TV的采访。
Anson Lo(卢瀚霆)今日凌晨出发到米兰参加时装周,虽然AL搭凌晨机,但过百神徒(粉丝昵称)早在昨晚(26日)10点左右已拿着应援物品在机场离境大堂等候,由于今次AL并非在VIP通道离港,所以机场的保安也比较严密,若有10名的保安在特别通道间架起铁马维持秩序。