AHDB estimates overall organic milk production from a weekly survey of the largest milk buyers. The volumes are scaled up based on other available data. Figures are collected every week from dairies ...
The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) helps you make the most of organic materials and balance the benefits of fertiliser use against the costs – both economic and environmental. Section 4 covers the ...
What are cover crops, catch crops and green manures? Cover crops, catch crops and green manures are non-cash crops that provide potential benefits to a rotation. Typically, cover crops are grown over ...
The somatic cell count (SCC) is a main indicator of milk quality. The majority of somatic cells are: Leukocytes(white blood cells) – which become present in increasing numbers in milk, usually as an ...
Comparing conventionally managed fields against fields that have been no-till since 2015, this trial will investigate the impacts to soil and crop health. To conduct relevant trials where results can ...
Profitable farming requires continued development and use of a wide range of skills. Good nutrient management is an important aspect of this and can contribute to business efficiency and reduce ...
To contact the AHDB Media Relations and External Affairs team, please email Press.Office@ahdb.org.uk or call 024 7647 8800. This number can also be used for any urgent out of hours requests from ...
A rotational grazing system is essential for efficient grass-based beef production. There is significant scope for more farms to exploit its benefits. Rotational grazing works on the basic principle ...
KPIs are a set of figures that help you manage your farm by showing, at a glance, which areas are performing well and those that need to be reviewed. We’ve simplified the available on-farm measures ...
This dashboard is designed to provide a dynamic overview of the latest retail market data for the beef sector. It breaks down spend, volume sales as well as giving average prices by product and allows ...
This seed rate conversion tool helps you to calculate the kg/ha of seed you require based on your planned seed rate/m2 and the Thousand Grain Weight. Note: Left-hand column in the table shows number ...
From grain store preparation to final dispatch, this best practice guidance will help you to minimise loss of premiums, through claims and rejections. Critically, it covers how to identify and manage ...