Consumers and food industry want labelling, says the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG) ...
Testbiotech and Biodynamic Federation respond to the EU vote for GMO deregulation. 1. Economy beats science: Is the EU ready to deregulate NGT plants? – Testbiotech 2. Council m ...
Today EU countries have given a mandate to start negotiations on the deregulation of new GM crops (also called NGTs). Today's meeting of EU ambassadors saw for the first time a qualified majority in ...
"By allowing untested and unlabelled GM plants to be released into the environment and onto our plates, they are putting both people and nature at risk" – Save Our Seeds ...
Commenting on the EU vote to deregulate new GMOs, ENGA, the association of the European non-GMO food and feed sector, said, "The result of today’s vote at the COREPER meeting on New Genomic Techniques ...
"EU governments have voted on the side of a handful of big corporations’ profits, instead of protecting farmers and consumers’ right to transparency and safety" – Friends of the Earth Europe ...