Mote Marine Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks to diversify its work force. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color ...
Underwater and outdoor enthusiasts, ecotravelers and families are encouraged to celebrate the marine environment at Mote’s Ocean Fest: A Community Celebration. Proceeds and donations from the festival ...
Mote offers a variety of internships for undergraduate and graduate students. Please visit the pages below for additional details and the application process for each program. Students may apply to ...
When suckermouth catfish swim in water that's too cold for them, their fins turn red. Suckermouth catfish can be found in quiet, slow moving freshwater environments like swamps, estuaries and rivers.
This fish species can withstand acidic water with low amounts of oxygen. Swamp darters are a small fish species with long, olive-brown bodies. They have darker, irregular spotting from their face to ...
Yellow rock shrimp can swim up to 230 feet (70 meters) deep. Yellow rock crabs have strong claws for crushing their shelled prey. They eat a variety of crustaceans and bivalves like oysters and ...
These corals often extend their tentacles at night to catch prey and retract them during the day to protect themselves. Using their polyps, green birdsnest corals catch organic compounds and small ...
These corals often extend their tentacles at night to catch prey and retract them during the day to protect themselves. Using their polyps, branching frogspawn corals filter organic compounds and ...
These gobies are very territorial when it comes to their homes and show aggression to any unwanted visitors. Pink spotted watchman gobies are white with vertical golden-brown bars lining their bodies ...
This species of fish is hermaphroditic, meaning they can experience a sex change in their lifetime. When there is a a need for more males, females can switch. Sunrise dottybacks have yellow faces and ...
In Panama, brush coral is considered to be a crucial reef building species. Brush coral ranges in growth from 0.7-1.18 inches (1.27- 3.96 centimeters) a year depending on their geographic location.
During breeding season, males will create nests to attract females. They also protect the nest once the eggs have been laid. As their name suggests, bluegreen chromis have iridescent scales that ...