In designing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), it is imperative that central banks carefully consider its legal foundations. As with any form of money, CBDCs require a solid basis under public ...
Une équipe du FMI a mené une mission de collecte d’informations au Liban du 10 au 13 mars 2025. L’équipe note avec satisfaction que les autorités ont sollicité la mise en place d’un nouveau programme ...
قامت بعثة استطلاعية من صندوق النقد الدولي بزيارة لبنان خلال الفترة من 10–13 مارس/آذار الجاري. ورحبت البعثة بطلب السلطات الاتفاق على برنامج جديد تدعمه موارد الصندوق لتعزيز جهودها في معالجة التحديات الا ...
On February 7, 2025, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the 2024 Article IV consultation with St. Lucia and considered and endorsed the staff appraisal.
Simulations that incorporate machine learning-based predictions of conflict suggest large payoffs from preventive policies, including efforts to promote macroeconomic stability and growth ...
المجلس التنفيذي للصندوق يستكمل المراجعة الرابعة بموجب الاتفاق مع مصر في ظل تسهيل الصندوق الممدد، ويوافق على طلب عقد اتفاق في ظل تسهيل الصلابة والاستدامة ويختتم مشاورات المادة الرابعة لعام 2025 ...
Improving the business environment, strengthening governance, and reforming the labor market are among the keys to economic ...
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today completed the sixth and final review of the Republic of Congo’s arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF), which was ...
Good afternoon to those of you joining us from Egypt and the region and Ramadan Kareem. Thank you for joining today's press briefing. My name is Angham Al Shami from the IMF Communications Department.
The CEMAC’s economy lost momentum in 2023. The external position weakened, with the current account shifting to a deficit and foreign reserve accumulation slowing. While inflation continued to ease, ...
Real GDP growth is projected to rebound to 1.4 percent y/y in 2025 and 2.7 percent y/y in 2026. Inflation is expected to remain within the target band.
Le FMI organise des cours à l'IMV, en Autriche, principalement à l¿intention des fonctionnaires des pays d'Europe centrale et d'Europe de l'Est et du Sud-Est, du Caucase et d'Asie centrale. Créé en ...