Imagine that your organisation has just initiated a re-organisation. You know you will have a job in the new organisation, but you will have a new manager, most of your team members will be new, and ...
To begin the journey towards developing a strong team, ask yourself these questions: Where does the team stand now? Where does the team want to go? How is the team going to get there? Getting to know ...
At first glance it might appear to be a straightforward task to measure the level of employee engagement in an organisation. In the past, you may have heard people say, “It’s just a case of putting ...
This Notice sets out how Insights collect and process personal data in order to provide you with our products and services. This Notice complies with the retained EU law version of the General Data ...
“Companies are successful to the extent that they have leaders at all levels of the organization. Any institution that invests in the development of leaders at all levels is going to get ahead of its ...
Studies show that employee readiness and adaptability are critical to navigating change effectively. At Insights, we believe in championing change by focusing on what matters most: your people. This ...
Insights Discovery is our transformational experience for learners all over the world. It brings psychology to life in an accessible, practical model that shows people how understanding themselves ...
Studies have long shown the link between feedback and performance. But feedback brings its own challenges and is sometimes met with apprehension... Discovery Full Circle is the answer. A safe and ...
At the simplest level, it’s generally agreed that employee engagement is critical to business success. But many organisations fail to remember that engagement really lies with the leaders in the ...
Over ten million people have experienced the power of Insights so far, from the world's leading organizations. We bring self-awareness to people, teams, leaders and organisations. That’s where ...
What is the Change Curve? The Change Curve is a popular and powerful model used to understand the stages of personal transition and organisational change. It helps you predict how people will react to ...