Welcome to the RSB's A-Z of the Biosciences video series! Each video focusses on a different area of biology, with our biologists sharing the highlights of their work. Each video has details of the ...
This straight line represents the border between nature and the humanity. However, human impact like this can be seen all over the world with ecosystems going through huge, dramatic changes. Almost ...
Professor Black is director of the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification at the University of Dundee. She is a founder and past president of the British Association for Human Identification and ...
The Society's membership magazine The Biologist has been shortlisted in the PPA Scotland Magazine Awards. The Biologist won Best Design at the awards last year, and was shortlisted for Best Magazine.
Researchers are slowly deciphering the meaning of chimpanzee, bonobo and other ape gestures. Kirsty E Graham explains how some of these signals are common to all species, including us The Biologist 66 ...
In our very first episode of the Biosphere Podcast, we dive into the world of animal behaviour and talk to Professor Sir Ian Boyd, RSB's President about his research and his science policy experience ...
People think of chameleons as the masters of camouflage, but the coleoids – octopuses, squid and cuttlefish – are far ahead in terms of manipulating their appearance[1]. Because their skin appearance ...
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that around a third of all soils are degraded due to erosion, being overworked or industrialisation. At the same time, the pressure is on ...