The Airbus C295 is a tactical transport aircraft developed through the '90s and first introduced in 2001. Like the company's other fixed-wing military aircraft, the C295 is operated by numerous ...
These planes had originally been created to transport the third ... heaviest part of the A340 – the wing. By 2013, Airbus were producing A320 Family aircraft at a rate of 60 per month across ...
Last year’s increase in deliveries enabled Airbus’s commercial aircraft division to generate a 6% rise in revenues to €50.6 billion. The airframer delivered 57 A350s and 32 A330s, as well as ...
Airbus is investigating ... clean-sheet aircraft and pose no major concerns." The airline said while it is aware some A220 carriers may be finding corrosion in the wing-to-body fairing structure ...
(Airbus) WARSAW, Poland — The Polish Ministry of National Ministry is advancing plans to buy new transport and refueling aircraft, with major players Airbus and Boeing intensifying their rivalry ...
Juan de Bedout, RTX's Chief Technology Officer, stated: "The aerospace industry is focused on efforts to reduce operational ...
Credit: Ocean Driven Media Fast-growing Latin American ULCC JetSMART anticipates adding more than 50 aircraft to its all-Airbus narrowbody ... Karen Walker is Air Transport World Editor-in-Chief ...