Chugging down a Coca-Cola soda may not be top-of-mind when you are ... Here's what we know, and when you can try one for yourself. According to Coca-Cola, the Simply Pop lineup of infused sodas ...
While currently sold in individual cans, the brand’s expansion into the fast-growing prebiotic soda category suggests Simply Pop could soon become a staple alongside traditional Coca-Cola products.
For centuries Coca-Cola has been the industry standard ... straight to your door via Amazon Fresh for $2.49 a can. With that, the prebiotic soda wars have officially begun. Your move Poppi.
Coca-Cola is entering the fast-growing prebiotic soda market for the first time with ... Simply Pop will be sold in 12-ounce slim cans with five flavors: strawberry, pineapple mango, fruit punch ...
Each can retails for $2.49. Becca Kerr, the CEO of nutrition at the Coca-Cola Company, said in a statement that the decision to launch the new soda made sense based on customer demand.
Now, the wave of prebiotic drinks has grown so big, it’s swept up an OG soda giant too: In a move that says “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Coca-Cola just launched its very own ...
Poppi and Olipop, watch out: Coca-Cola is entering the "better for you" soda category with a response ... by the case on Amazon and sold in 12-ounce cans for $2.49 each at national grocery stores.
We made a Coca-Cola Orange Cream ice cream float at Crestwood Pharmacy and Soda Fountain. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now) A couple of weeks ago, the announcement of the brand-new Coca-Cola Orange Cream ...
Prebiotic sodas are all the rage right now, with brands such as Daytrip, Poppi, and Olipop dominating the market for "healthy" soda ... Coca-Cola says. "Five boldly delicious flavors familiar to ...
It seems Coca-Cola has grown sick of stomaching Poppi and Olipop’s success with “gut-healthy” sodas – so the legacy brand is launching its own prebiotic drinks. Coca-Cola’s Simply ...