1.Play-Doh was originally created as a wallpaper cleaner. In the '50s, Kutol Products, the company that created it, saw huge declines in sales of its wallpaper cleaner because the US was ...
BAGUIO CITY, Philippines — The Department of Health-Cordillera Administrative Region (DOH-CAR) on Tuesday advised the public to avoid attending gatherings and festivals when not feeling well for ...
“I remind the Department of Health (DOH) secretary that the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy (PAP) bill strengthens the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) law,” she said.
MANILA, Philippines — While expressing concern over the increasing trend of teenage pregnancy in the country, the Department of Health (DOH) is not keen on supporting the controversial Senate ...
Despite the increasing number of pregnancies among children under 15, Health Secretary Ted Herbosa on Sunday expressed reservations about the controversial Senate Bill 1979 or the Adolescent Pregnancy ...
During a hearing of the House committee on good government and public accountability on January 22, PhilHealth President Emmanuel Ledesma acknowledged overlaps in the functions of the DOH and the ...
The music of BTS, for instance, is virtually an update of disco. Listen closely to “Dynamite,” “Butter,” and “Permission to Dance,” watch their respective videos, and you’ll understand.