The history of life on Earth is a tale of slow burns and sudden explosions, shaped by environmental upheavals and ...
From the flamboyant blossoms and birds of rainforests to the living rainbows of coral reefs, Earth’s surface is teeming with ...
The author of the latest read for the New Scientist Book Club on the science that lies behind his novel Alien Clay, set on a ...
Foraminifera, though eukaryotic, have adapted to use chemoautotrophy to enable them to survive where oxygen and sunlight are ...
Earth ejecta, for instance, could hold Earth life. "We're trying to figure out how much mass is reaching Venus from Earth, and how many cells can that mass carry," Emma Guinan, first author of a ...
Crucial to all life on Earth, the 15th element of phosphorus remains a real puzzle for astronomers. Specialized space ...
This week, uncover some of the oldest ice on Earth, follow a dinosaur highway, learn how Pluto sealed the capture of its moon ...
The University of Kentucky College of Design is partnering with New York-based nonprofit organization The World Around (TWA) ...
When an asteroid strikes, there's typically at least one undeniable outcome: an asteroid mess. The most obvious part of this mess tends to come in the form of a nice and cinematic crater, but ...
Earth ejecta, for instance, could hold Earth life. "We're trying to figure out how much mass is reaching Venus from Earth, and how many cells can that mass carry," Emma Guinan, first author of a paper ...