近日, 北京林业大学材料学院许凤教授团队在纤维素气凝胶领域取得新进展 ,在《 Advanced Functional Materials 》(中科院一区,影响因子18.5)以“ Ambient-Dried Nanocellulose Composite Aerogels for Enhanced Hydrovoltaic Electricity Generation ”为题发表论文。
In a statement, Hamas said its leadership delegation, which received a proposal from mediators on Thursday to resume ...
Investing.com -- 惠誉评级已将长江基建集团有限公司(CKI)的长期发行人违约评级(IDR)和优先无担保评级"A-"列入正面观察名单。此举是在长江和记实业有限公司(CKHH)宣布出售其大部分港口业务后,将其评级列入正面观察名单的连带行动。
On February 19, Anyang's first 110 kV vehicle-mounted mobile substation was successfully commissioned near the Copper Smelting Zone of Anyang New Chemical Industrial Park, ensuring a stable power supp ...