Agro-Climate Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSal) has trained hundreds of residents of areas affected by erosion in Nasarawa State on irrigation farming ... where the water will just ...
Indigenous farming techniques in Uganda have stood the test of time, proving their effectiveness in building climate ...
The connection between soil conservation and sustainable agriculture. In Advances in Soil and Water Conservation, eds. Pierce FJ and WW Frye. (Ann Arbor, MI: Chelsea, 1998). Lal, R. Soil erosion ...
The film narrates the struggles faced by farmers and ranchers on the Great Plains during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, ...
Preserving the Land Approximately 42% of Iowa farmers have embraced no-till farming, a method that is gaining popularity for ...
Relentless tilling and disturbance from farm vehicles have allowed wind and water to whisk away this ... had degraded while acidity had increased. “Erosion from the wind is not as bad as it ...
Study: Redistributing soil can restore nutrients, improve water retention, and significantly boost crop yields on eroded ...
erosion, depleted and contaminated soil and water resources, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, labor abuses, and the decline of the family farm. The concept of sustainable agriculture embraces ...
A central Illinois farmer says a decision to change farming practices ten years ago has made him a conservation convert. Randy Strubhar, who farms in McLean and DeWitt County, says introducing cover ...