Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging one’s environment to promote harmony and balance, has found a place in the modern real estate market. More than just a design philosophy ...
NASA's Curiosity rover photographed remnants of rippling waves in an ancient Martian lakebed, proving that the Red Planet had open water for longer in its history than previously thought.
A stunning home in Morocco demonstrates that you can live off-grid and still live in luxury. The home, located in the desert in Al Haouz, Morocco, is made from thick mud bricks and uses two ancient ...
Planetary geologists and astronomers have long debated the form and duration of water on Mars since NASA’s Mariner 9 mission in the 1970s revealed dry gullies.
A leopard-sized “fearsome” predator that hunted early elephants 30 million years ago has been identified following the discovery of a near-complete skull.
When she was 20, Greensfelder temporarily became the sole farmer on a remote Norwegian farm, an experience she describes in a new book Accidental Shephard: How a California Girl Rescued an Ancient ...