KALAMAZOO, MI -- Fifth graders skipped into the halls of Edison Academy, folders in hand, on Saturday, March 8. They were ...
The U.S. education system is not preparing today’s students to achieve in the world of tomorrow. Our society is becoming ever ...
The pair, who work with children of all ages and ability levels in several Brooklyn neighborhoods, recently opened their first brick-and-mortar site.
Jeffco graduates who meet certain STEM requirements will be automatically admitted to the Colorado School of Mines starting ...
When the pandemic hit, Massachusetts was considered a national leader in education. In reality, reading and math scores have been falling behind since 2015. Since then, the state hasn’t been able to ...
Welty principal Ricky Neff, a 1998 New Philadelphia graduate, was approved as the Quakers' new athletic director at Monday's ...
But as the state marks five years since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, state education leaders are continuing to think about recovery.
Oregon student outcomes rank amongst the lowest in the nation. A new bill would add assessments, metrics and oversight in hopes of boosting outcomes.
While many curriculum standards are set by the state of Illinois, the school board sets more specific policies for the ...
The program, known as Charting My Path for Future Success, aimed to fill a major gap in education research about what kinds of support give students nearing graduation the best shot at living ...