I began to consider an everyday, household item paired with safety features that could save future lives in a variety of ...
"I wanted to create a way to increase driver focus and concentration by preventing distractions associated with holding and ...
"I wanted to create a specialized J-Channel product that would eliminate the over cutting and scrapes, typically associated ...
"I wanted to create a handheld shield that can be used for immediate personal protection," said an inventor, from Houston, Texas, "so I invented the PUBLIC DEFENDER. My design allows the user to fend ...
"I wanted to provide parents with a means of monitoring how their teenage drivers are handling the family car while out of sight," said an inventor, from Lorton, Va., "so I invented the M Y I A S ...
The advent of generative artificial intelligence has sent shock waves across industries, from the technical to the creative. AI systems that can ...
The University of Arizona is ranked 31st in the world in the National Academy of Inventors’ list of universities granted ...
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a district court decision rejecting claims of a patent application directed to a ...
Rutgers has been a fixture in the NAI Top 100 Worldwide Universities List, appearing in all 12 rankings since its inception ...