The sea turtles, ranging in size from 3 to 35 pounds, were released by the Zoo’s sea turtle team and TAMU Galveston’s Gulf Center for Sea Turtle Research.
For years, experts from the New England Aquarium in Boston have been working tirelessly to rescue sea turtles that beached themselves along the local coast line.
New illegal refreshment kiosks have sprung up in Akamas within the Natura 2000 Network area, NGO Terra Cypria said on Friday.
Allison (Cluett) worked as a physical scientist who helped NOAA understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans and coasts,” write Heather Welch, Allison Cluett and Matt ...
Here's how you can get away, marvel at the wonder of nature, sleep under the stars, and keep your distance from other ...
The Alamba Coast is a magnet for outdoor lovers. Gulf Shores and Orange Beach are favorite beach getaways for their true ...
The Environmental Management Commission voted during its meeting Thursday to take the next step in the rulemaking process to ...