a wonderful introduction to thermal design power and the necessities of a good CPU cooler. [Marcelo] wanted to see how far he could overclock a microcontroller – in this case an ATMega328 ...
How do you tell how much load is on a CPU? On a desktop or laptop, the OS usually has some kind of gadget to display the basics. On a microcontroller, though, you’ll have to roll your own CPU ...
The EMSA5-FS is a processor core designed for functional safety. The fault-tolerant processor uses dual or triple instances of the EMSA5, an efficient 32-bit embedded processor IP core implementing ..
V, the open-source disruptor in the microcontroller world, is empowering engineers and innovators with its simplicity and ...
Need of an audio and video interface: If you look at the way human naturally communicate; it's by voice and the best way to explain any subject is to show the real picture i.e. video. The present ...
Memory: 256-512 KB Dual-Bank Flash, 64 KB SRAM, 8 KB Dataflash Peripherals: Segment LCD, Capacitive Touch, USB-FS, CAN FD, ...
A microprocessor is an integrated circuit that contains no memory. A microcontroller has the ability to store information. The size of a circuit can be significantly reduced. This is because ...
Beagleboard has recently announced the PocketBeagle 2, a single board computer (SBC) built around TI's AM6232 dual-core ...