The main content of the course is the propagation of light waves in periodic structures, using Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic waves in dielectric materials. Structures that are periodic in ...
Comprehensive optical design, optimization, and analysis in Python.
I chose the task below as a representative test case: "Design a high performance SMA (SubMiniature version A) low cost Coaxial to Microstrip transition up to 20GHz on a FR4 multilayer stackup ...
Abstract: Light transmission through a curved dielectric rod of rectangular cross section embedded in different dielectrics is analyzed in closed, though approximate form. We distinguish three ranges: ...
Abstract: This paper presents a large-aperture multi-subarray radial line helical array antenna equipped with dielectric windows for high-power microwave applications. The design integrates additional ...
Creative Commons (CC): This is a Creative Commons license. Attribution (BY): Credit must be given to the creator. The speed of nematic liquid crystals (LCs) is usually limited by the viscoelastic ...
Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taoyuan 320371, Taiwan Optical Science Center, National Central University, Taoyuan 320371, Taiwan ...
While security concerns are important, the strategy is not security-centric but pays equal attention to diplomatic, political and economic engagement. Against this backdrop, formulating a regional ...
It’s not rocket science that wearing multiple layers helps trap body heat to keep you warm while skiing in cold weather. Your mom probably first told you that all the way back in elementary school ...