Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to get your nerd on. Know what today is? It's Pi Day. What's that you say? Why, it's March ...
As weird as it sounds, I’m starting to think I was accepted into NYU on the basis of mediocrity.  And by mediocrity, I mean ...
Two Brooklyn-born sisters who competed academically as kids and decided to go into business together have spent the past five ...
Anderson's time-travel mystery, 'The Expert of Subtle Revisions,' explores the way history is affected by how it is told and ...
It’s Friday, the day we take a few moments to highlight the good news in Lancaster County and the surrounding region. Some of ...
Cosmic code or just a series of incredible coincidences? The chase is on for Bradley Walsh in Egypt as he fulfils a lifelong ...
Shirland Middle School announces the release of a book written and illustrated by its math club: The Pi Day Pirates: A ...
There is no empirical evidence of correlation (or causation) between religion and learning. Any connections of this order that we see in this country are spurious. In other words, a ...
We could go on forever with these best pi day jokes and puns that any math lover would enjoy. Check out these funny jokes for ...
We’re a reader-funded news organization fighting an expensive lawsuit that threatens our survival. Our reporting remains fiercely independent, and is never manipulated by commercial or political ties.
Research has shown that adults instinctively think of men when asked to think of a person -- they describe the most 'typical' person they can imagine as male and assume storybook characters without a ...
On March 14, math classes across the country will celebrate Pi Day—a national holiday in honor of the mathematical constant pi, which represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter ...