The system of scientific publishing is, as others have noted, under severe strain. Junk papers proliferate at vanity journals and legitimate ones alike, due in part to the “publish or perish ...
They are a type of Markov model, a method to model a chain of events. They are presented as a sort of flow chart that starts with a syllable that points to options for different syllables that ...
Since it’s often not a requirement in college, many students graduate without ever learning the scientific method how to think scientifically. Learning to think scientifically involves ...
CDC orders pull back to comply with Trump executive orders Agency directive to divisions comes after initial guidance to review communications Editors of scientific journals question the legality ...
Scientific research is being conducted constantly, and as a result new discoveries are coming to light every day. Some of these even have the potential to change the world. Here are eight ...
Nobel laureate Venki Ramakrishnan’s new book recounts the tale of researchers striving to understand an ancient molecular machine that is essential for all life.